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Super Zest Bouquet

Rainbow Bouquet 1,699.00
Large Zest Bouquet 1,899.00
Super Zest Bouquet


6 x red roses
5 x red gerbera
5 x red carnations
8 x green chrysanthemums
5 x asiatic lilies
5 x yellow statice

Vase not included


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Please note that some of our flowers might not be in bloom upon delivery. We do this to preserve quality and increase longevity.Place them in flower food-infused water for 24 hours to watch them bloom.

Don’t forget to personalise the bouquet by adding a gift card before you checkout!

In case of seasonal supply difficulties, we reserve the right to substitute flowers and packaging of equal quality and value.



We process all orders within 2 business days. In case of a high influx of orders, your shipment may be delayed. Our team will get in touch with you if there’s a significant holdup from our end. At the moment, we ship to Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and Pune.

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